



I am grateful for Rebecca of Healthy Solutions who was my coach and mentor when I stepped into the challenge of leading a new memory care community and building a team. We spent several hours a month discussing issues related to activity programming and how to lead a team. She truly inspired my leadership and abilities through her energetic style, out-of-the-box thinking and genuine concern for doing well and doing the right thing for the community and the team. It’s great to have someone like Rebecca in your corner to support new ideas and needs you are seeing in your work! I absolutely loved her seminar on the Therapeutic Paradigm of Activities as Medicine and wish these ideas could be had among all leaders in this field. As the Baby Boomers age and communities respond to individual and group needs, I think Activities as Medicine will become more fully integrated into the culture change movement of person centered care. Thanks to Rebecca for your devotion to life enrichment professionals and for spreading the good news. Life is better than bingo and coffee social! You will be challenged to think outside the box and expand the possibilities because of Rebecca’s approach and class offerings.

Katherine Kennedy~Gerontologist

“Rebecca Birotte from Healthy Solutions is a must for your senior community’s Life Enrichment Program. Bingo and crafts won’t cut it when you want to bring quality of life to your residents. Rebecca inspires your Activity Leaders into bringing their best to a Program that residents need in order to connect and thrive.

Companies need to dust off their old version of an Activity Program if they want to make a real difference in the lives of their residents. You will bring true leadership and joy front and center to your community with Rebecca involved in your life enhancement and Activities Programs!”

Mary Winners~ Gerontologist and CEO of About Senior Solutions

“Inspiring, creative, smart….and amazing! Rebecca is clearly a game changer! Years back I took an Activity Course that paled in comparison to the Healthy Solutions Therapeutic Activity Seminar. I feel so fortunate that I found this Seminar. As a Life Enrichment Department manager I have sent my entire team to this Seminar. As a professional I can only hope that this paradigm creates the much needed change our profession….and our Life Enrichment Departments need!”

Katherine Custodio~ Life Enrichment Coordinator 

“High energy, engaging…Rebecca is a consultant and coach that pushes you to grow and change. I always walk away from her consultation thinking how I can take my program to the next level!”

Julie Mullins ~Activity Coordinator 

“Rebecca and her team are amazing in shifting Activity Leaders thinking to a more “person first” approach. She lifts the veil of mundane activity calendars and inspires her class participants to shift into a fully developed and well thought out program. Her understading of “Activities as Medicine” is obvious and her enthusiasm for treating residents with the power of productive engagement in superb. She is inspirational to all her attendees and she taylors her classes to provide the most valuable experience to all who participate I highly reccomend Rebecca and her team of consultants for any facility who is interested in taking their program from mediocre to magnificent!”

Amanda Powell M.S.~ Gerontologist 

“Activities are Medicine”, yes the are!!  After attending the Healthy Solutions Therapeutic Activity Seminar I have a full understanding of what that means and where I can take my program. The future is here and Rebecca captures that in her dynamic, creative and inspiring course. Everyone in the department needs to attend this seminar. I am alreay looking forward to the next course!”

Peggy Gailinas~ Activity Leader

Rebecca Birotte; Chief Director of an expanded and sustainable new world of Therapeutic Programs. If ever there was someone holding a clear vision of enlightened Life Enrichment Programs, it is Rebecca. A business associate and friend of ten years, I have witnessed in her a determination and devotion that is steady, nurturing, and unbending. Her ability to transfer teachings of a new direction for Activity Programs creates a blueprint that truly offers a higher quality of life to those living and working in many healthcare settings.  For a decade she has opened every door possible for me, and continues to connect me with like-minded people, all with the aim of creating a more caring world.

Tuesday May Thomas~ Reiki Master Practitioner and Chair Yoga Course Director

In this 36-hour Activity course expect a real classroom environment. I say that because I’ve been in the field a long time and decided to take this course to refresh my knowledge and skills. My previous Activity class I now call the drive-thru course because you endured the usual boring lectures and rushed to get that certificate.

This class is special and different with organized core curriculum that is applicable to all facets of healthcare as well as being “forward-thinking“.  Rebecca lends assistance to any of our questions in and out of the classroom and is sensitive to the needs of all students.  Rebecca has a true professional balance of managing a classroom yet maintaining a personal connection with us. Her funny and relatable stories made learning fun and meaningful. This class opened doors and windows of opportunities for me!

Simonette Alanes ~ Activity Coordinator

Rebecca’s training was a breath of fresh air. Her Group Leadership Training was the bridge needed to transform our view of how to provide activities. Her “Activities as Medicine” approach is inspiring. I was able to see the change in our staff’s approach immediately. Her class is interactive and enriching. I recommend it to all levels of support programs. The participants who attend our Therapeutic Day Program are engaged and excited daily.

Patricia Ball ~ Program Director, Independent Horizons

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