Script it out!


Here we are getting close to our last week of our Communication theme for February. My coaching and education practice has been rich with communication opportunities this February. From coaching on how to communicate when pitching a proposal…to how to engage in an interview….to reaching the clients you serve…we hit it this month!

One technique I used a lot of this week is scripting. Scripting is such an important communication tool and one, if you put it into practice, will serve you well.

I first was introduced to scripting (known by a different name) when I was therapist working with young adults with mental illness. Two of the treatment groups I led as a therapist (which I loved dearly) were Social Skills and Assertiveness Training. One of the goals in these groups was to provide patients with new tools to make better decisions. We did this through scripting and role-play. It allowed the patients to problem solve, become exposed to more effective tools, and to physically practice via role-play. It was very powerful and often made a positive impact on how the patient looked at a certain situation and the ways they could respond in various situations.

Since that time I have used pieces of these tools when I teach classes and workshops, in my coaching practice and even at home with my children (awesome tool for kids)! The result: a more empowered and confident communication experience.

Let’s look at two specific example of ways scripting came into play this month.

  1. Scripting a Program Proposal:                                                                                                                           In an earlier blog I mentioned the Program changes happening in Health Care and the challenges these changes are bringing to companies and their staff. Currently, I’ve been working with a Life Enrichment Department who have been preparing a Proposal for an MCI Program in what was once a traditional Assisted Living community. Once the necessary components of the proposal were in place I met with the team to discuss how to propose this to their Executive Director.


  • Tailoring to the ED’s style: short, sweet and to the point.
  • What to include in the initial proposal (what benefit does it serve the company and the residents we serve)
  • Potential responses to questions he may ask (a good Coach will exhaust all questions).
  • Response to the potential “NO”.
  • Verbal and non-verbal communication tools

A good script will address all avenues!

2. In the Activity Leader Training & Development Seminar we used scripting in a variety of ways:


  • How to have a meaningful interview experience.
  • How to interview a potential team-member.
  • How to tailor questions (open-ended or close-ended) in your group.
  • How to conduct a product in-service

There are so many opportunities for us to use Scripting and Role-Play.  As a coach and educator, these tools enable me to connect the dots for my clients and students.

It allows us to really get it into our bones. (thanks B.Brown)

Now, I want to hear from you! Let’s add more tools to the tool box! What tools do you use to be a better communicator?

Communication. Connect.

Computer and cell phone being used to stay connectedCommunication. Such a huge topic!

Communication and Health Care. You don’t hear those two words used together very often. In fact, with the exception of articles and blogs written around communicating with residents with Dementia, it’s usually unspoken.

How can something so integral to client care be unspoken?

As a baby Therapist, I was so curious about communication and how it created connection and “aha moments” with my patients. This curiosity led me to graduate school where I could sink my teeth into Communication even further. Forever a lover of both interpersonal and group communication….my creative juices added bits and pieces into my consulting and education practice. Today…I cannot create a therapeutic program without this communication component! I can’t teach therapeutic techniques without talking about communication. It’s like teaching someone to surf without a surfboard!

The first place we can start in communication is assessment.

Those of us in health and wellness know that assessment is a necessary, integral part of providing the best possible services for our clients. Without it, we might as well put a blind-fold on and proceed to help our clients. An assessment allows us to determine our starting point and is a guidepost in how we provide our treatment or service.

What about assessment as it relates to communication? What do we need to assess before we communicate.

Here are some of the biggies in my book:

  • Culture and ethnicity
  • Language
  • Life history
  • Education
  • Cognitive functioning
  • Social functioning
  • Emotional functioning

Once you take the time to really assess who you’re communicating, the easier it becomes to connect with that individual. You meet them where they’re at……not where you assume they are or want them to be.

When we don’t assess who we are communicating with the following is likely to happen:

  • The message is not heard
  • Frustration
  • Feeling Misunderstood
  • Feeling disconnected
  • Feeling confused
  • Emotional or Physical injury/harm

We are more likely to have a successful communication experience when we take the time and energy to get to assess. We are more likely to hit the target when we begin to speak the language of the receiver.

Assessment leads to successful communication experiences between staff. Assessment leads to successful communication experiences with clients.

Assessment + Communication = Connection.

Reboot. Refresh. Repeat.

Here it is…a fresh New Year! The question always seems to be: What are you going to do in this New Year? What do you want to do better? What do you want to eliminate? The thing is….these questions always seem to circle around the spiritual/personal growth arenas. This is great…and don’t get me wrong…necessary…but those of you working in the health and wellness professions….how does the New Year growth movement work for you?

In some form or fashion my work has been connected to hospitals, residential care, therapeutic centers….and I’ve got to say that January 1 came and went many, MANY a year with no mention of reflection, reboot, and growth. In fact, I don’t ever remember celebrating the New Year!

Our health care organizations and communities need a Reboot. And I do mean a Reboot. How is it that organizations that care for people…don’t care about the people that do the caring?

Furthermore…what would it look like if organizations facilitated a January Reboot? How would you feel as a professional…as an individual…if your company or organization instituted a Reboot?

Ponder that…how would it FEEL…emotionally, spiritually, socially as a team…

I hear it now…..

No money.

No time.

No supplies.

No one motivated to do it.

No clue how to do it.


Sure, the best investment and way to start such a Reboot is hiring a Health and Wellness Coach. In one afternoon that person could get the party started!

If that isn’t a current option look to your Leader or Leaders in your organization (notice I didn’t say Administrator, didn’t say Director, didn’t say Manager)! Someone who has the ability to bring people together and to Inspire the team to Reboot. You have one in EVERY organization…they may be known by a different title, but they are there!

What would a Reboot look like? There can be a million ways to facilitate an organizational Reboot! Creativity is the name of the game here. And because Health Care organizations are not accustomed to such a Program…there are really no rules. Which can be great!


The Reboot I’m envisioning is one that includes all staff….everyone from every discipline. No one should be exempt from the opportunity to reset who they are and how they do things in the workplace!

Reboot areas can include:

  • Connection with warmth and a smile
  • Getting clearer on who your client is
  • Working smarter
  • Managing time
  • Working as a team
  • Communicating with staff in other disciplines
  • Trying a new approach

The list is truly endless!

And once again….what would an organization look like when every individual in every discipline/department is more conscious of how they do their job. Deeper yet….how would it make the individual feel knowing they are growing and improving?

Reboot. Everyone needs it…every organization needs it! If not now…how about a Fall Reboot?

As Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”