You Gotta have FREEDOM!

2015-12-13 03.22.43 - CopyThis July 4th we had cause to celebrate yet even MORE freedoms here in the United States. Wow! It really is a turning point for Americans…and for us as global citizens.

You and I are so fortunate to live in this land of freedom. So much so, that we tend to not think about it…often taking it for granted. What about the ULITIMATE FREEDOM, do you think about that?

The freedom I’m talking about is PERSONAL FREEDOM?

What is Personal Freedom?

Author and leading High Performance Coach, Brendon Burchard, talks about this in his bestseller Motivation Manifesto.

“That is ultimately what Personal Freedom is: liberty from the restrictions of social oppression and the tragic self-oppression that is fear.

Freed from these things, we have the ability to express who we truly are and pursue what we deeply desire without restrictions set by others or ourselves.

When experiencing Personal Freedom, we have a heightened sense of genuineness and joy in our being. We feel unbounded, independent, and self-reliant. There is a palpable authenticity and aliveness in how we relate to others and contribute to the world.”

Amazing! Thank you Brendon Burchard.

Personal Freedom is BIG STUFF! One might think that Personal Freedom is only for the young and very active. But…those of us in health and wellness know that this applies to ALL INDIVIDUALS…young, old, those with disabilities or limitations.

So the question is…HOW can we help our clients maximize their Personal Freedom?

Here is the guaranteed way to foster Personal Freedom in your client:

1. Assess your client.

This is the key that unlocks the door. A proper assessment informs you of who your client was in the past and who he is now. A clear assessment allows you to plan for programs that will be “client-centered”. This means you can develop challenging, inspiring, and fulfilling activities that are appropriate for the clients functioning level.

2. Give your client choice whenever possible.

“We feel unbounded, independe, self-reliant” You can help your client reach this level whenever they have the opportunity to initiate their own choices. This can be choosing an activity, choosing how they will participate in that activity, or choosing to teach or share within that activity.

3. Honor the spirit of your client.

Look at your client through the lens of humanity. Honor the richness he brings to the table. All clients come to us with their own unique history and life experience. Explore that with your client…talk with them, ask them questions, have them educate YOU! Where appropriate use their life skills, and talents in your programs. Make it your goal to have them shine as much as possible! (just imagine what that would look like)

Now its your turn! We want to hear from you. Here’s a two-part question:

1. What can you do today to access YOUR Personal Freedom?

2. What are you currently doing to foster Personal Freedom for your client?

Leave your comments below.


Rebecca @ Healthy Solutions

Sick of those extra LB’s?

3 Simple Ways you can KICK those LIMITING BELIEFS to the Curb!

Limiting Beliefs..most of us carry…..scratch that….ALL of us have LB’s floating around in our heads! Limiting beliefs prevent us from LIVING A LIFE OUTSIDE THE BOX, from trying new things, achieving goals…leading us instead to a life on IDLE.

Most of us know how LB’s impact our personal life…but if we ask ourselves, “What do LB’s have to do with our work life?” we might find it a bit tricky to answer.

If you are reading my blog you may work in a health related field, or you may just want inspiration, you’re a growth-seeker, you want a better YOU….or…maybe you’re all of the above!

The world of Health and Wellness is in flux right now…whether you work with those with disabilities, substance abuse, geriatrics or the every-day person…the expectations for Life Enrichment Programs today have elavated to new heights. In many settings, communities are and will be competing for client dollars based in large part because of the Programs offered to potential clients!

These changes are challenging and can be scary! This is the time we tend to pack on those LB’s!

I have 3 ways you can Kick those Limiting Beliefs to the curb once and for all:

1. Become AWARE. Become aware of the times your LB’s are entering your head. This is the most important area you need to put in practice. What happens when those LB’s start talking to us? We feel RESISTANCE! This may be physically expressed by butterflies in your stomach, sweating, a raise in your heart rate, becoming red-faced, sweaty palms or even headaches. These are your CLUES. Pay attention to your body and listen. When you identify a Limiting Belief…STOP. Identify it by saying out loud, “Gotcha, you darn LB!”

2. Become POWERFUL. Remember you can meet all challenges with your POWER. A wise mentor once said, “Everything is FIGUREOUTABLE!” (Thank you Ms. Marie Forleo.) Yes, if you think about it…. everything is FIGUREOUTABLE! You might not have the skills or resources to figure out how to get that extra $300.oo for your new program, or how you’re going to justify the hire of another employee, or how you are going to create a “Resident-Centered” Program…but YOU CAN seek the aid of someone that can. You have the POWER to meet the challenges and the unchartered territory that lies ahead. You have to KNOW you have the POWER to tap into that POWER! (tweet, tweet)

3. Become an ACTION-TAKER. “Insight without action is useless” (author unknown). Here is where you give that one last hard kick to those LIMITING BELIEFS!


You move forward with your ACTION plan. You make that call for a new and effective coach and mentor, you have the meeting with the person that had success with her financial proposal, you take a class…And as you do this… gain momentum! And that momentum propels you forward with another ACTION! Before you know it you’ve actually kicked that LIMITING BELIEF to the curb….. and down the street!!

Today, do the work to shed those LB’s from your work and life!

Now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you. How are you going to kick your LB’s to the curb!

Leave your comment below.

Assertiveness: A Daily Practice

Makes no difference if you’re a Therapist, Activity Coordinator, Administrator, wife or friend…we all need to be assertive to continue having momentum in our life.

As a young Therapist, I led many assertiveness training groups for those in phych and substance abuse programs. I saw first hand just how importnat this communication skill was in having a healthy and happy life.

Many things I talk about in my work today as an Educator and Consultant (and mama of 3) require assertive communication.

What is assertive communication?

Asserertive communication is standing up for yourself in a way that does not trespass on the rights of others. Assertiveness respects your own rights and feelings…AND the rights and feeling of others.

What is a practice?

A practice is something that we perform regularly or repeatedly with the intention of growth.

How can we begin making Assertiveness a Daily Practice?

Every minute of every day is filled with opportunities to practice being assertive…. From blocking out your alone-time in the morning, to ordering your coffee, to the checkout line at the grocery store, dealing with your co-workers…the list goes on. There are several opportunities in a single day to make assertiveness a daily practice.

You can begin this practice once a day. You can implement your practice at home or at work (doesn’t matter…you just need to jumpstart your practice!) Once a day in your home or place of work..when you are faced with a choice to act…or not to act (or act aggressively) engage in your assertiveness practice!

SPEAK UP…..say “NO!” (kindly, of course)…..EXPRESS yourself! Give expression to your thoughts, feelings, your needs and desires.

Your assertiveness practice may make you feel uncomfortable, even awkward. That’s okay. DO IT ANYWAY! Commit yourself to this practice for 30 days and after 30 days assess your practice…

Ask yourself:

~Do I feel like I have more control over my day?

~Do I feel less stressed?

~Does my life have more space and opportunity to do what I love?

Today let’s begin this practice together…so when the real challenging things come up at home or the workplace we will have already exercised our “Assertiveness Muscles!”


Rebecca B. @ Healthy Solutions

Now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you! How are you going to jumpstart your Assertiveness Practice?

Leave your comment below.

So long Cookie-Cutter Activity Calendars….Hello Client-Centered Activity Programs!

Say bye, bye to the days of putting everyone and the kitchen sink in a room and throwing any old activity out there..hoping it sticks! Good riddance! Goodbye days of clients being packed in a room like sardines, looking at others heads and backs. Goodbye 5 clients sleeping, 4 clients walking out, 5 clients gazing out the window, and only 2 clients participating! Goodbye, adios, au revoir, ciao, auf wiedersehen!

As a consulant and coach it has been amazing to watch the changes that are happening in the world of geriatric care. The change in client demographics coupled with the competition for client dollars are changing the way those in Activity/Recreation Therapy departments provide services.

Currently there are two trends in geriatric care. One is Skilled Nursings’ push for more rehabilitation dollars (some SNF’s are half rehab clients). The second is the Assisted Living question mark. More and more we are witnessing Assisted Living communities being dismantled for Dementia tracked programs.

And I haven’t even put Baby-Boomers into the mix!

Bottom line: Activity Programs are no longer one-size fits all.

Like it or not we have been…ever so slowly..moving toward a more Therapeutic Paradigm. The tide is shifing to Programs that are designed to meet the functional needs of the clients! IMAGINE!

Those of you certified in our Activity Leader Training & Development Seminar are one step-ahead! Lucky dogs. You alread know this.

This is and will continue to be a major change for not only Activity Departments, but also the interdisciplinary team, communities, and companies. There will be those that will have a difficult time with this change. Some will change slowly, others will kick and scream having to change!

Change is hard. I get it.

But here is the good news, “CHANGE can also be AMAZING!”

A time for growth. A time for Inspiration. A time for Creativity.

As for me…I’m not much of a kicking, screaming kind of gal (well…maybe on the dance floor). Instead, my goal is to empower students and clients to meet these changes head-on. In fact, I want you to pave this road!

My team and I will continue to do what we do best…teach the therapeutic, client-centered paradigm in our Activity Leader Certification Seminar (aka Activity Director Certification) and continue to prepare and coach students and clients via workshops, trainings, and Consultation Services.

Together we can build a strong community of great hearts and minds and move forward with this change.

Together we can be this change.

Now it’s your turn. We want to hear from you. In the comments below what is the one thing you plan to do (or are doing) to move toward a more client-centered Program?


Rebecca B. @ Healthy Solutions