3 Simple Ways you can KICK those LIMITING BELIEFS to the Curb!
Limiting Beliefs..most of us carry…..scratch that….ALL of us have LB’s floating around in our heads! Limiting beliefs prevent us from LIVING A LIFE OUTSIDE THE BOX, from trying new things, achieving goals…leading us instead to a life on IDLE.
Most of us know how LB’s impact our personal life…but if we ask ourselves, “What do LB’s have to do with our work life?” we might find it a bit tricky to answer.
If you are reading my blog you may work in a health related field, or you may just want inspiration, you’re a growth-seeker, you want a better YOU….or…maybe you’re all of the above!
The world of Health and Wellness is in flux right now…whether you work with those with disabilities, substance abuse, geriatrics or the every-day person…the expectations for Life Enrichment Programs today have elavated to new heights. In many settings, communities are and will be competing for client dollars based in large part because of the Programs offered to potential clients!
These changes are challenging and can be scary! This is the time we tend to pack on those LB’s!