If I can sum up one of the biggest problems in this profession it would be hiring the WRONG person for the job!! I can’t tell you how much money and precious time and energy are wasted when communities hire the wrong person! Everyone suffers, including the clients.
As a Consultant and Coach I view this as essential element for creating a great team and ultimately a great Program. It is SO frustrating. Sometimes I want to ask, are we hiring for a pulse? Because if so, let’s just put that in the job description!
No, we want someone passionate, enthusiastic, creative, and bright! And that’s just for starters!!
So, what’s the ONE thing
Life Enrichment Departments NEED and MUST do before hiring?
I know, I know….I hear you now…..
“No one is going to do that!”
Well, if they don’t want to do that…..
Then……….. Do you want this kind of person on your team?
It doesn’t have to be a full week…two or three days…my point here is to have that person get super clear on what her/his days will look like working in your community.
The person will get clearer on:
- The work itself
- The Life Enrichment team and its members
- The Interdisciplinary staff
- The Residents or Clients
- The pace and flow of the day
- The duties and expectations of the job
You will get clearer on who this person is by:
- Observing their body language. After all, it’s almost 98% of how we communicate with one another!
- Observing how the person engages with clients and staff
- Observing the questions they ask. Are they smart ,well thought out questions?
- Asking them questions as you move through the day; Problem solving and judgment scenarios to assess their strengths and weaknesses.
- Observing how they handle challenging situations that may come up
How can this not be part of the hiring process?
How can we make a proper assessment when they and we don’t have the much-needed information to come to a decision?
Having a potential new hire get clearer on the reality and expectations of the work allows them (AND YOU) to identify if this is truly a fit!
Now it’s your turn. I want to hear from you!
What are your thoughts or pain points around getting this started in your community?
What other creative hiring tips do you have for our Healthy Solutions Community!!
Until next time, Stay Inspired & Inspire Others,
Rebecca @ Healthy Solutions